Saturday, November 8, 2008

Thinking about having kids?

If you are thinking about having a child, but not sure if its a good idea. Ask yourself this questions. Do I mind cleaning up poop, or getting someone elses' poop on me? If the answer is yes then do not have a kid. This is actually funny to me, but I don't typically enjoy getting poop all over me. We bought Zach a little potty a while ago and finally lately he has noticed it and wants to sit on it, with his clothes on still. He has never used it. But today when he was like poopy poopy I thought hey you should use the potty. I checked his diaper there was no poop so I hurried to put him on the potty. While I am taking his diaper off he starts pooping, then falls on my lap and gets poop everywhere. I am stunned and do not know what to do. I throw Zach in the bath and am standing there like oh my gosh there is poop on me!!!! At that moment my husband calls me and I answer not knowing if I should cry or laugh. I tell him I have poop all over and need to call him back, he just laughs. Anyway I got the poop cleaned up the boy washed. I am showered and the clothes are in the washer. This is what it is like to be a parent. Take it or leave it.

Monday, November 3, 2008

The Holidays Are Coming

I love this time of year and can not wait to get the Holidays started. With Halloween over and it being a little colder today I just can't wait til it's time for Turkey and Christmas songs and the whole bit. We made these sleighs in a church activity at my mom's ward. Mine actually turned out kind of cute which is a miracle because I am the least crafty and person on the planet. We even got the picture for our Christmas cards done on Saturday. Zach is now 18 months old so I figured while we were getting those pictures done we would get the christmas cards done too. Instead of presents and things this year I am really going to focus on making people happy. I usually spend a lot of time and money at the stores and once the presents are opened that is it. I think that there is a lot we can do to help make people's lives better and I am really going to focus on service for the next couple of weeks. At the end of the day kids grow out of clothes and toys but the love they feel from you will last a lifetime.

Here are the pics of our Halloween Activities

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We had such a busy October. I am thinking we are going to try and do a little less in November. It was great that the weather was nice and we were able to be outside a lot and have some fun. We went to Gardner Village and Zach got to ride a pony and pet the animals in the petting zoo. We carved pumpkins and went to Halloween parties and of course went trick-or-treating. Zach was a dressed up as a little giraffe. It was a costume my mom had so it was free, and I think he looked very cute. Taylor and I also celebrated out 2 wedding anniversary. Taylor let me get Rock Band as my gift and me and the Muir family have been jamming out at least a couple nights a week.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Body Worlds

I don't know if people have all heard of body worlds. It is an exhibition of human bodies that have been plastinized. I think thats how you would say it. The process is called plastination any way. It is amazing. Me, Taylor and my parents went last weekend. It is the second time that me and Taylor have gone, body worlds was in Texas when we lived there. It was a different exhibition, they have three. So there was new things for us to see. I have always been intrested in the way the human body works and wanted to be a doctor when I was younger until I realized how much I hate blood. It is so neat to see what all is really in your body and see how it all works together and how much there is that you don't ever think about. It even makes you think about how much you are taking care of your body. I don't really have too much to say about this, but if you get the chance to go I reccomend it. It is so informative and interesting and it is worth the price of the ticket and the pretty long wait in line.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Vampire Teeth

Philip came home from school the other day with glow in the dark vampire teeth. Zach wanted to have them so bad. I let him try and put them in his mouth, this is not a very good idea because he keeps almost choking but I watched him to be sure he would be alright. He was so hillarious walking around trying to bite with them and keep them in his mouth. It is so fun watching him try new things even when they are just silly things.

The Great Outdoors

I was just looking at the pictures that are still on the camera and found these ones of our camping trip in September. Some are really cute so I wanted to post them. Taylor really wanted to go camping since we didn't go all Summer. I really didn't want to, I knew it would be Taylor playing and me trying to keep Zach from jumping in the fire. But, I said ok and we took four of my younger brother along too. We went up to Pineview Reservoir just for one night. We got a new game called hyper-dash where you run around and tag these five colored blocks and it times you and you race to see who gets the best time. We went down to see the water, it was freezing. I told the boys they could skip rocks but not to get all wet because it would be cold. Well Zach I guess didn't understand that and ws soaked by the time the boys were done playing, but he loved it. Zach loves to be outside and will often walk around the house saying "outside, ouside." I hate being out when it is too hot or too cold so he is started to be limited on how much time he can spend outside. I am glad Taylor talked me into taking him on his first campout. The boys all had fun and Zach never ended up in the fire so I actually had a good time too.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Raising a happy child

Since Taylor has started working nights, Zach now fills the void and gets to sleep in the bed with me. He never use to got to do this and I am generally disappointed at the level I sleep I get when he is in bed with me. none the less, he gets to be there. I am awake at 3:00 in the morning since he fell off the bed. He went right back to sleep and is snoring like...well, a baby. As I lay here making sure he is fine and kissing him better, I stop and think of the many things you have to do as a mom. Its an exhausting list, any mother would tell you. I always try to remember what I told myself when Zach was a new baby. "Never have a moment with Zach that isn't worth remembering." Babies are only babies for a little while and they probably won't "remember" what you tell them or what happened day to day. But I think that the way that babies and toddlers are treated stays with them long after they are grown. Of course, we have our moments, when he's running away with a poopy diaper not wanting to be changed and I get frustrated because I don't really want to change the dang thing either. Its just something we have to do. I believe Zach is as happy as he is because of the time and patience that is given to him everyday. If I am getting to frustrated I take a step back and think what can I teach him that will make this not happen again, or what can I do to make this fun for Zach. Toddlers learn so quickly and by example. Keep your cool and make what you are doing fun for them, they go along with anything if you make it in to a game (ie. cleaning, running errands, watching you wash the dishes) . So what if you look silly walking around the super market singing and dancing. Its far better then walking around with a screaming child. Either way everyone in the next five eiles is going to look at you but at least you are having fun with your baby. And look at all the crazies at Walmart. Usually it makes me feel more like I belong there. I feel very lucky that I have such a healthy, fun and cute child. I am sure everyone out there already knows all this, but I am still learning how to do the "supermom" thing. How are mom's capable of doing everything and shouldn't I already have that ability now that I have been a mom for almost 18 months. And I find it interesting how some people don't see the effects that they have on their children. Mom's I know its hard but keep up the good work, your children desrve the best you have to offer them.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Dinosaur Museum

We went to the Museum of Ancient Life at Thanksgiving point yesterday. Zach had fun seeing all the big dinosaur bones and being able to touch and feel different things. He was surprisingly well behaved. We had so much fun.

Monday, July 14, 2008

My First Blog

I have decided to give this Blogging thing a try. My sister started doing this a while ago and it is so fun to be able to see what new things her family is up to. I hope I can keep this up to date and fun. Zach is growing so fast and I want everyone to be able to see how cute my little man is. We are so busy and it is hard to keep in contact with everyone, so hopefully this will give our families the chance to see what we are doing and keep in touch with us.